Switch on WiFi and select the hotel's own WiFi network.
The hotel WiFi login page opens automatically.
Here, for example, the hotel's WiFi "Sol Cayo Santa Maria" (https://zunpc.tur.cu).
You can dial in with a tap on "ACCEDER". The window closes automatically and you are online.
Recognizable by the green message "Usted está conectado." means "You are connected."
Don't forget to turn off the WiFi after the session! Time is running!
If the online time has expired, the error message appears when you try to log in
"Su tarjeta no tiene saldo disponible. Si desea acceder al servicio adquiera a nueva."
means: "Your card has no available balance. If you want to access the service, purchase a new one." In this case, you simply go to reception with the registration page open on your smartphone and let it charge again for 10 hours.If the login takes too long, the error message appears
"Su aplicación expiró. Por favor intente más tarde."
means: "Your application has expired. Please try again later."This can also happen: "Error 404. URL no encontrada." means: "Error 404. URL not found."
In this case tap on "Continue to internet".
Here you can access the registration page of the Cuban telecommunications company ETECSA
Here too, filled out in an exemplary manner.
"Usuario" is the username again, the password is entered again under contrastña.
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